
Experience Real Beauty With Colorado Hot Air Balloon Rides

By Mattie Knight

You have not really lived until you have experienced the adventure of Colorado hot air balloon rides. The actual flight lasts for about one hour, but the thrill begins as you drive up to the take off site. Reservations are available any time of year, with winter trips having their own kind of pure, untouched natural beauty. Winter Park, CO is the perfect place for this adventurous day.

It is a thrill to see a group of balloons preparing for flight. The enormous balloons display magnificent colors, each with a unique pattern. The sight is a geometric array of the colors of the rainbow. The excitement builds as passengers climb into the basket for take off. If the thought of sky diving has ever crossed your mind, this adventure could be a good place to start.

Colorado is a state known for its natural beauty and magnificent mountain ranges. It is hard to say which would be more beautiful, your birds eye view of snow capped peaks or the sight of wild flowers blooming all around. Imagine what it would feel like to see the colorful landscape as you effortlessly float high above the ground.

The flight will include some low flying time to take in the magnificent sight of the native animals running free across the land. You will see the Continental Divide, which has not been included as one of the great wonders of the world. However, after seeing its magnitude, you may want to add the Divide to your personal list of wonders.

The champagne toast before your flight may ease the nerves for first time fliers. Time will seem to stop in this dreamlike environment. Very few people get the chance to be an astronaut, but almost anyone can grab the opportunity to view planet earth in this fashion. Chances are that your first balloon ride will not be your last.

Ballooning combines art and science. Each flight has a pilot experienced and licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Passengers can be reassured that the pilot has the knowledge to provide a safe experience. The first take off is subject to the time of sunrise; the start of a new day when the air is crisp and clean.

Sailors will appreciate that ballooning uses the power of wind to move through the sky. Hot air balloons travel wherever the wind takes them. The skill of the pilot helps determine the course. Since the wind is unpredictable, the flight is followed by a chase vehicle. That crew will be at the landing site to assist with the landing and to pack up the equipment. The chase vehicle is also needed to transport the passengers back to the take off site and to their own cars.

There is no need to wait any longer to have this wonderful adventure. Reservations are available on the Winter Park websites. Imagine a magic carpet ride where you float through the sky taking in all the beauty that cannot be seen from a ground view. There is no reason to wait for a special occasion. Make the balloon ride the special occasion.

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